Saturday, March 5, 2011

3DS Launches

The Nintendo 3DS launched in Japan last week and caused sensation.  Lines in front of gaming stores were not short at all as people camped out since the night before the release date in eager await to get their hands on the next generation portable gaming console.  The system sold thousands, as much as 400,000 Nintendo 3DS systems were sold and there were still people who left empty handed.  Some retailers avoided the mess created by the long wait lines by having it so only people who had pre-ordered the system would get one.  Other retailers had mainly pre-orders as well but only ordered a few extras for those who hadn't pre-ordered.   When I say a few, I mean a few.  This means that some retailers only ordered as low as 4 extra systems for those who hadn't pre-ordered the 3DS. So if you were un lucky enough to be that fifth person, you weren't going to get a 3DS, at least not at that store.  The Nintendo 3DS basically flew off the shelves in Japan and the same will probably happen when it hits the rest of the world later this this month.  Europe will get their hands on the 3DS on March 25th while North America can get it on March 27th.  Some people have already imported a japanese version of the system but others will wait for the localization.  This system is going to be big.  The onle question now is, how will Sony's NGP do at it's launch compared to the 3DS launch?  Only time will tell.

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